Minggu, 10 April 2016

Am i just dreaming on nothing?

Tbh, beside my outgoing nature, there is part of me that always thirst of knowledge and my mind always wondering about the mysteries of universe, life, and people. 
I still wanting to learn as much as i can, growing up, doing some experiments, being a solo traveler, getting new experience, expand my imagination, get a master scholarship in the place that i want from the first time and feeding all my curiosity without being restricted, but what could i do? 
Time flies oh so damn fast.. 
People says in my age it's time to start searching for a partner and build a family life.
It makes me sad, that i still haven't fulfilled my dream and ambitions yet.. I know it's important to have a family life on mid twentiess, but i also want to fulfilled my dream firstly.. 
Should i just give up on my dreams and follow the society.. 
Or can i have a little hope that i could fulfilled my dreams and there still be someone who still want me on my late twenty after i have fulfilled my dreams?
Who knows...?
This always always always on my mind and makes me depressed lately, i'm always think which step i should choose, which way i take, until i realize i have wasted my time by thinking all the time and doing nothing.

What will be, will always be, just go ahead and let it flow, whatever step i take i think i should do the best right...? :')