Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

❤ It's July~ ¯(ツ)/¯ (Cappucinno Day)

٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ Koniciiwa~ ♫

Hello there, it's already July..  xD~
Sorry i'm a little bit busy lately, so i seldom update...  ☹
This morning was my first exam, and i still have 7 more exam till next week.. >.<'
Tonight i should be on study (tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. i still have ALK exam), but honestly i'm too lazy to study, and the weather is drizzle outside, ..
Therefore, i and my roommate decided to drink some coffee before start to study to reduce our sleepyness,
i decided to have some relax time at 'momow' cafe near my homestay..
Then, my last choice fall on hot cappucinno with standard price Rp 4.000,- ♡
The cappucinno is so tasty, the smell is so good and  relax my mind..
the time is tickin' near 12p.m. now, and i haven't study yet.. ٩͡[๏̯͡๏]۶
Gomen~ >.< it's time to say goodbye bcoz i have to study and don't forget  to read my next post.. Wait ya~ ^^ ja ne~
I will leave u the pict of my late cappucinno here.. ☺

Please join my site and leave ur comment below.. ^^
Thank u~ ✿
X o x o~  ♥ Milkshake